Tuesday, February 20, 2007

An Edible Hat!

Hope you're having a flipping good pancake evening as we are. We simply love pancakes and could eat them until them come out our ears. It's just a pity that Shrove Tuesday only comes round once a year.

Earlier this evening, Masterchef Oakley put on his chefs hat and started cooking some savoury mince pancakes. These went down very well and if Oakley hadn't moved quickly he wouldn't have got to taste one himself.

We enjoyed an excellent pint of Wherry with the pancakes. Perhaps this was why there was a bit of a mishap when we came to make the sweet pancakes for pudding. Oakley tossed the first pancake with a real flourish and quite a bit of welly. The pancake bounced of the ceiling and instead of making it back into the pan, landed on my head, resulting in some new head gear that was rather warm and smelt really good. I paused only long enough for this picture to be taken, before claiming the pancake for myself and wolfing it down with some lemon juice and toffee sauce - simply delicious!

By the way we're not giving up Wherry for Lent but are giving up meat. We'll have to let you know how we get on. What are you giving up?

Lots of love Marmaduke and the Bears Unlimited gang xxx


Fred's mum said...

It looks a bit like my skull cap from when I went to the Jewish quarter in Prague! I'm still wearing it as it keeps me dry in all this rain. I hope it hadn't got the toffee sauce on when it landed on your head!

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

Aunty M, you needn't have worried, because it was a genuine accident (it wasn't staged) the pancake was still cooking so hadn't got any toffee sauce on at the time. Can you guess what topping I added - nutella of course!
Love Marmaduke xxx

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

Aunty M, you needn't have worried, because it was a genuine accident (it wasn't staged) the pancake was still cooking so hadn't got any toffee sauce on at the time. Can you guess what topping I added - nutella of course!
Love Marmaduke xxx