Monday, February 05, 2007

Real Life Drama on the Box

When Bears Unlimited was first formed, we had branches in Suffolk, the Midlands and Hertfordshire. However, due to office relocations and transfer of personnel, the branch in Hertfordshire, slowly shrunk in size until the last member, TBB (Teddy Bear Bill), feeling lonely, decided to move on a semi-permanant basis to join new friends and former Hertfordshire Branch members at the Norfolk Branch. However, whenever he can, he still likes to pop back to visit his minders or invites them to come up to Norfolk to see him.

Recently one of his minders became a V.I.P. in hospital in Luton. As TBB had a bad cold which he didn't want to pass on, he asked me, Jimmy, being an ex Herts member, along with Noël and Chelmer, to head off to Luton to do some hospital visiting. As is the Bears Unlimited way, as well as cheering up our sick relative, we needed to undertake some essential quality control work. I asked Chelmer to lead, building on the experience he gained back in October last year visiting a Midland branch V.I.P.

Noel and I both have some expertise in electrical equipment so decided that the all important heart machines should be given a full check. Firstly we checked we could get a good trace from a healthy heart, then we decided take a full ECG, again this test proved entirely satisfactory. Just as well as we wouldn't settle for anything else!

On checking out the non medical equipment, we discovered that hidden in the television system was a bear sized keyboard connected to the Internet. Noël took command and sent back to all branches news of the sucessful quality control checks and news of our loved one's good progress and excellent care.

With a sucessful mission acomplished we all then headed of to the nearest Pizza Express for a scrumptious Sloppy Guiseppie and some of those lovely dough balls.

Love from me, Jimmy, and my fellow hospital inspectors xxx


Anonymous said...

I just thought that noel and jimmy would like to know that their sick relative has come out of hospital and I feeling much better thank you.

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

We are very pleased that you are on the road to recovery, and also very impressed with your Computer skills, as we know that you have only just began to surf the net.

Love Jimmy and Noel