Monday, February 26, 2007

Guardians of the Coast

We're getting quite into this coast watch business. We've been out and about along the Norfolk coast once again looking out for any boats, swimmers, seals or whales in difficulties and needing a keen eye to spot them.

For our latest lookout we made use of a pillbox, left over from the war. As we were well defended we thought we could also look out for Pirates - not those of the Caribbean of course, but those of the Norfolk coast. They must have heard we were there ready to intercept them as they stayed well away. Well they do say prevention is better than cure!

Talking of pillboxes, a great debate is raging in Bears Unlimited circles. Some of us call them pillboxes and others insist that they are blockhouses. What do our readers think and is there any difference between the two? let us knwo what you think.

Lots of love Tommy & Henry xxx


Anonymous said...

Hello All at Bears Unlimited,

I am a bit of a history buff and have been studying Blockhouses for a number of years. And would have to say that those who call these constructions Blockhouses are right. However, certain types of Blockhouses built by the British in WWII were indeed called Pill Boxes and so you are right as well! The following link from Wikipedia on Block Houses will explain it all


The History Bear

Fred's mum said...

Suffolk Bears say pillbox!