Sarria, our place of departure this morning, is the last place you can start walking from, and obtain a Compostella. In other words it's a little over 100 km from Santiago, and 100 km is the minimum distance for a Compostella.
Not surprisingly, there were a lot of people on the Way today. We're used to seeing pilgrims carrying all their gear and enjoy comparing the size of their packs to ours. Today was a bit different. There were lots of people with small day sacks and we have to say a lot of them seemed to be French. We call these people plastic pilgrims, as they're not quite the genuine article.
Today's route was not the best or the worst. There were no particularly memorable bits, although we did enjoy seeing more pilgrim brown cows and also some sheep wandering along the way - most of them in the wrong direction! The good thing was that our paws felt in the best shape they've been for a while. However, we nearly got concussed a few times from falling sweet chestnuts and acorns. Crash helmets might be a good idea now that autumn is upon us (despite the heatwave).
The 100 km to go marker post was a bit of an attraction, and everyone was stopping for a photo, so we had one too.

However, we know that the kms are understated by about 9, so we had another picture at the 91 km to go pillar, as this is more likely to be in the right position to indicate 100 kms to go.

Accommodation was not a problem today, as yesterday we bravely phone booked a private room in an albergue. Considering a dorm bunk at the same place costs €10, our private room with sheets and towels is an absolute steal at €25. We may not be so lucky tomorrow!
Lots of love, the Camino Bears xxx
P.S. We like Portomarin as there is unlocked wifi at the town hall - what a great idea.
It's the final countdown - the end is in sight! Glad you're coping with the heat - another very hot day here, boiling from 1000 hrs we'd say. Meant to be all change on Tuesday and back to more normal October temperatures then so might cool down a bit for you too.
Congratulations from Midland Branch minders on reaching this great milestone! Yes we can still get Wifii here in our room at Sant Elm. Wish we could get some of yr vino tho. We pay 10 euros for VDe La Casa & tonite paid 2.5 Es for 500 cvs of Aqua con gas!! Weather O.K. any 25C but humid. Good new leader & we have 6 new people so now we are 18. Good luck from all the Midland Bears!
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