Saturday, September 24, 2011

Leon and Beyond

We're now at the end of day 3, and we've already walked 50 miles which, considering day 1 was a short afternoon, is pretty impressive, and we have in fact surprised ourselves.

Mind you our paws have felt every mile of it, and they're sore, although not as blistered as our female minder's. Given the amount of hard surface walking we've done, we think our minders would have been better off wearing shock absorbing running shoes than walking boots.

Once again we set off at 8.00 a.m. and enjoyed our 7 mile walk into the city of Leon, much more than we were expecting. We think some new paths have been added since our guide books were written, to keep pilgrims away from the traffic, and it was all quite pleasant.

On the pedestrian streets into the city, we found some lovely new Camino waymarks, which Gio shows to you ...

... and we also found a rather nice statue of St James with a nice flat resting place for bears on top of his head. While we rested there, our minders rested on benches and had pain au chocolat for breakfast.

Temperatures this morning were most pleasant for walking, at 15•C, but when the sun came out at lunchtime they shot up into the twenties.

As we're not really city bears, we didn't spend long in Leon. We found free wifi to post yesterday's blog, visited the cathedral and had a coffee, then headed out of the city past the most amazing Parador, featured in the film 'The Way'. We could only dream at staying at a place like that.

Once out of Leon, accomodation was a bit thin on the ground, which is why we had to do 22 miles today.

The first albergue we tried was full. The next had room but said there was a problem as they were hosting a party for the village and there would be noise. The fact that we could get a room to ourselves, a simple room with just a unmade double bed in, outweighed any potential disadvantage of noise.

We haven't been back yet to see how noisy it is, but the party is outside and we will be inside. In any event we have ear plugs and
we've only paid €5 each, so we can't complain.

I'm sure we'll sleep well.

Lots of love from the Camino bears xxx

1 comment:

Fred's mum said...

Suffolk Branch hope you're not getting burned out - what with the heat and the distances walked so far! We reckon you should just have crashed the party and slurped enough wine to knock you out so you wouldn't hear any noise! Suffolk Branch had an exciting day yesterday too at Thorpe Park - very scary rides but none of the bears or minders bottled it. On our favourite, Stealth, we went 0-80 mph in 2.3 seconds, the momentum of which shot us up a 200 me vertical loop and then over the top in free fall! Awesome!