This post bears news from our garden, not Morocco. I, Yorkie, am writing it as gardening bear Tommy is rather dazed and has had to go for lie down.
So, I'm sure you are all wondering what has been happening at our Norfolk Bear Cave.
The afternoon started like any other. Tommy was out in the garden starting his autumn tidy up. As our pea crop is long finished, Tommy decided to dig over the raised bed that held the peas as it was becoming rather overgrown with nettles and buttercup plants. There were also a number of potato plants which had self seeded from potatoes accidentally left in the ground after last year's harvest.
As he dug below the potato plants he unearthed the biggest potato crop he has ever seen in all his years of gardening.
Not only were there vast numbers of potatoes, the size of them was simply unbelievable. Spuds of 1 - 2 lbs in weight (perhaps more) were coming up time and time again. I helped Tommy weigh them, after we'd put the green ones in the composting bin and there was a staggering 28 lbs, all from approximately 5 squatter plants.
I stood by a couple of big ones to give you an idea of scale. It was like standing beside a block of flats and we had to give the big bears a shout to get them lifted.
I'm sure the planned potato crop will be disappointing after this incredible windfall, but I don't suppose it will matter as we won't need to buy any potatoes for a while.
Anyone know any good potato recipes?
Lots of love, Yorkie and Tommy xxx
SJ254784 - nr Llanfair Hill - 430 m
8 years ago
Blimey boys! Good work! Will any be in the vindaloo next Friday?
Midlands branch had one last year weighing a kilo, but only one. What have you been feeding them on? Could it be bear poo?
You're both right! We need lots of potatoes for the vats of curry we plan to consume when the Suffolk branch come up to help us celebrate our blog's 5th anniversary and yes, bear poo does work wonders.
Love Tommy xxx
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