Thursday, December 16, 2010

Seal and Elephant Watching

As we sped along the coast, there were all sorts of interesting sights. When we were going really fast, some were a bit of  a blur, but we slowed down for the interesting ones. The best sight for me, Eddie, was a rare sighting of a monk seal that is occasionally spotted in the area. I think he must have made an appearance as he'd heard about my seal trips in Norfolk, and learned that I was particularly seal friendly.

George & Yorkie were fascinated by some of the unusual rock formations. In our next picture you'll see a sculpture of an elephant submerging his trunk in the water to get a long refreshing drink.

We also passed the ruins of a monastery and still more caves. Then the cliffs started to get really high. They were so tall that even avid climbers George & Yorkie felt they might be a challenge too far, although George did spend a lot of time thinking about it.

Our boat started to turn towards the bay George is looking at, and Dimitiri told us we would be stopping there to explore something, for which Zakynthos is famous, on the beach.

Find out what it was next time.

Love Eddie, George & Yorkie xxx

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