Friday, December 10, 2010


The morning after arriving in Zakynthos, we had a morning off. This was only time off from sailing, though, not from boating, so it was fine by me.

We all went off in a big speedboat with one of the local entrepreneurs - a very colourful character called Dimitri (front right) and he drove very fast! (He also owned the restaurant we'd eaten in the night before).

We went up the coast, staying quite close to the shore. This enabled us to take a good look at all the caves in the cliffs.

There were lots and lots of caves and some of them were big enough for us to drive into. Mind you, some of them didn't look big enough to take our boat, and it was a good job Dimitri knew both his boat and the local coast intimately, as we frequently had less than an inch of clearance between the boat and huge slabs of rock.

The water was so clear and still that it was able to reflect the light creating some lovely effects. Dimitri also pointed out the beautiful colours obtained from light reflecting off sponges on the sea bed ... as our next picture shows:

We marvelled at the wonderful sights and  - I never thought I'd say this - I appreciated not being at the helm and having to concentrate on the boat, as it gave me to freedom to look around and, along with George & Yorkie, drink in all the wonderful sights. 

More next time.

Lots of love, Eddie, George & Yorkie xxx

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