Friday, February 05, 2010

What to Buy Greenbelt Fans

We hope you've enjoyed finding out about our Christmas presents and got lots of inspiration for present buying. As so much time has now passed since Christmas, we're going to make this the last of the 'What to Buy A Bear' series, even though there were plenty more presents we could tell you about!

The rest of the chaps say they never have any problems working out what to buy me (Gio) and my best friend Bris. This is because we are such ardent fans of the Greenbelt Arts Festival, and going there, over the August Bank Holiday is normally the highlight of our year (last year was a bit of an exception, since, as you all know, I had the amazing opportunity to lead George and Yorkie on pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, straight after Greenbelt). Anyway, back to Greenbelt, there are so many wonderful speakers and performers that we have a list of their books and music that we'd like, longer than our arm. And the Greenbelt shop also provides great present ideas.

This Christmas's presents were spot on. Firstly we got one of Amy Wadge's CDs, called 'No Sudden Moves'. Amy is a very talented singer/songwriter and we love everything she writes and sings. It's just a pity she lives in Wales so doesn't get over to the East of England to perform too often. It's worth going to Wales to hear her though!

On the book front, we received 'Eternal Echoes' written by a Greenbelt favourite, the poet and philosoher, John O'Donohue. Very sadly he died suddenly 2 years ago, so we won't have the experience of hearing him speak at Greenbelt again. However, he lives on through his amazing writing. He was an incredible wordsmith and we know exactly what a writer in the Guardian meant, when he referred to his 'dazzling vocabularly'. You would have to read some of it to see what we mean, perhaps that's not such a bad idea!

We shall treasure both these gifts for years to come, but we're also already looking forward to Greenbelt 2010 with the promise of lots of new experiences.

Lots of love, Gio & Bris xxx

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