Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chelmer's Nature Notes Returns

Do you remember my nature notes posts from last year? I hope you enjoyed them and are looking forward to another. Today's nature note relates to an incident last summer. It couldn't have happened now, as it would have resulted in a frazzled bird, for reasons I'll soon explain.

To start at the beginning, early one morning, while the rest of the chaps were having a lie in, Curly and I were in the kitchen of the bear cave, enjoying a bowl of cereals and a cup of tea. We consumed both with relish, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. When we'd finished, we put our crockery in the dishwasher and started to walk out the kitchen. It was then that we got the feeling that we were not alone, in fact it was more than a feeling, it was a definite realisation, as only another living creature could be making the rustling/fluttering noise that was coming from the direction of our Aga.

I looked across, puzzled, and then saw some movement from a ventilation cowl which has a grilled front and looks like this.

At first I thought it must be a butterfly, but as we went for a closer look, I saw a pair of bright black eyes looking at me and realised we had a bird behind bars. Our prisoner was in fact a gorgeous great tit who had clearly taken a tumble down our chimney and then found his exit route blocked by bars.

We were eager to give him his freedom back, but first we made sure we got a fine close up shot of us with our avian prisoner ...

We opened the kitchen window wide before we lifted off the cowl, and it was very gratifying to see our new friend fly off and reclaim his freedom.

It was a good job this incident happened in summer as story might not have had such a happy ending, had the Aga been lit.

Lots of love Chelmer & Curly xxx


Anonymous said...

What a lovely story, and thankfully a happy ending. Good for Chelma and Curly. Shula was pleased with the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Rugby Branch think you were very lucky that it flew out of the window, and not round and round the kitchen.