Monday, August 24, 2009

Payback Time

Yorkie and I might have missed one local training session, but we more than made up for it on a 3 day camping and endurance walking mini break in the Peak District (we're not sure that 'break' was quite the right word for it, although we did play as hard as we worked).

Here we are at Edale Cross enjoying a break in the sunshine after a strenuous climb up from Hayfield. What we didn't realise at the time, was that we were about to descend the same distance had already climbed into Edale, only to climb up the same distance again to return to the Cross, in order to descend again to our tent!

It certainly helped to get us into shape though and now we are simply raring to go and counting down the days.

We'll be back very soon to bring you right up to date on the final week's preparations.

Lots of love George & Yorkie xxx


Fred's mum said...

I hear through the bearvine that there has been a rather traumatic incident in the last minute preparations! Glad there was a happy ending though!

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

Yes indeed, we will reveal all soon. Love Gio