Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last Nature Notes - for now

Other bears are eager to take over the blog again, so I'll just share one more nature note with you. It involves a delightful creature which is one of my favourite's, and also a favourite of gardening bear Tommy, because of the help this creature gives in the garden.

Can you guess who it is? Our first picture will give you only a small clue as you no doubt can't see what we're looking at and you'd need a soundtrack to hear the conversation we were having with our friend.

You should have picked up the clue that they are most commonly around at dusk.

It seemed a bit cruel to have to dazzle our friend with the camera flash so you could share in our wildlife encounter, but we did ask his permission first and he agreed, in return for a worm - not our new slow worm friend of course!

He was quite a small hedgehog at that time, but we're pleased to say we've seen him again strolling round the church yard and he's a lot bigger now.

We did make sure we gave him our safety briefing which mainly covered the need to keep away from roads.

We hope our nature notes have shown you that you don't need to go further than your own home to have some great wildlife encounters.

Lots of love Chelmer & Curly xxx

1 comment:

Fred's mum said...

Oh he's lovely! So pleased he has a nice home in the churchyard. Say hello from Suffolk Branch next time you see him please!