And so, it took me no time at all to recover from my adventure. I spied out the path ahead and led the way forward: keeping moving was the best way to get dry anyway.
Patrick, George & Yorkie kept an eye on me to check I wasn't suffering from any delayed concussion or similar, but I wasn't. However, when they proposed a mid morning cheese scone stop, I thought it was a great idea as, having suffered a bit of a shock, I needed to keep my blood sugar levels up.
I was about to take my first bite, when a big black dog came bounding up. Naturally I assumed he was after my scone so tried to move to protect it. Boy did I get a shock (my second of the day don't forget) when all of the cheese scones were ignored and the dog's target turned out to be myself. The dog took me in his jaws and lifted me off the rock. I was too stunned to do anything more than offer a distressed bleat. Fortunately George, Yorkie and Patrick responded with lightening reactions. Patrick reached for the dog's collar and George took a flying leap and landed astride the dog's neck, from where he could reach over and prise me from his jaws.
Fortunately the dog was acting on retriever instincts and was simply retrieving me, rather than helping himself to an easy meal. He was therefore carrying me with a soft mouth and I wasn't hurt at all.
And so I had my second miraculous escape of the day. Once again though, I wasn't prepared to recreate the experience for the benefit of the camera. Can you blame me? It was a pity we didn't have Black Doggy with us, so he could speak dog, and tell that over enthusiastic animal that he should leave sheep well alone or risk getting shot!
Lots of love Woolly, George, Yorkie and Patrick xxx
What an adventure Woolly! If your wool wasn't white already, I expect you would have had a white strand ir tow by the end of that day! I have t say though I was savaged by one of your Peak District cousins only yesterday on Win Hill. It was a banana this one was after not a cheese scone and she butted me, pushed me over and would have pushed me over the peak if Isiaiah, Tiny, Yorkie and Kiwi hadn't distracted her by pelting her with dried sheep's pooh! She's obviously not quite as well mannered as you Lakeland sheep!
Wow, that was an adventure to rival mine. Apologies for my cousin's behaviour, but it was only a few distant cousin. Very ingenious use of the sheep pooh, I shall have to remember that one.
Love Woolly xxx
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