Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wot No Microwave?!

We hope you enjoyed playing spot the difference. Those of you who did, may have spotted the difference in the colour of the sky between the 2 photos.

It would certainly be true to say that we had a mixed bag of weather during this recent holiday. The week started off lovely and sunny, then it got very windy and then, in the middle of the week, the showers started.

The rather dark sky in this year's Tarn Hows picture was a sign that it was about to rain ... very heavily. Before we had completed our circuit of the Tarn, the heavens opened and we got very wet.

Back at camp Randolph (the hot water bottle reindeer) and Beddy Bear Benji knew they could provide just what was needed to dry us out and warm us up. The kettle was filled ready to be boiled to fill Randolph's bottle, but where was the microwave needed for Benji's sun bathing session, to warm him up so he could in turn warm others?

As you can see the guys had a good hunt round the camp kitchen, but on finding no microwave, declared themselves spectacularly unimpressed with its facilities, hence the glum faces.

Never mind Benji it's the thought that counts, and it was supposed to be a holiday for you anyway.

Lots of love the Bears Unlimited campers xxx

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