Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cruising on Old Father Thames

Once our cruise boat was ready for embarkation, we boarded as fast as we politely could, taking care not to mow down any old ladies in our path. Our fast manoeuvring paid off and we made it to the front seats before anyone else.

As it turned out there were very few passengers on board so we needn't have hurried. Still, having the front row of seats to ourselves was really great, and we made the most of our excellent vantage point. We didn't think much of the flag though - nothing like as good as the bear flag!

Patrick was bombarded with information from all sides. He had the tour guide to listen to in one ear, and the commentary of the ever enthusiastic Eddie in the other. Patrick enoyed seeing all the great landmarks of London for the first time, but his eyes kept coming back to the London Eye. He was finding it hard to believe that he was only minutes away from being in the air in one of those capsules.

For Eddie, the msot exciting sight on the Thames was H.M.S. Belfast. He was pleased at how close we got to this illustrious vessel, although he was disappointed to have scaffolding in his photo.

While us smaller bears enjoyed the cruise, our priorities were rather different. While Eddie and Patrick exclaimed over the sights, we investigated the complimentary London Eye choccies. It was inevitable that this involved a spot of tasting. Don't forget that Yorkie is nicknamed the Piranha.

Lots of love George, Yorkie, Eddie, Patrick, Chelmer & Rocco xxx

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