Thursday, July 03, 2008

Beer & Curry Night

Once we had arrived at Gas Street Basin and moored up, there was lots for us to do.

Firstly we did an on paw exploration of the area. Lots of different canals and branch lines come together in the area and provide a wealth of interest to a canal anorak like me. If you're not such a canal anorak, there are loads of bars to keep you entertained, as Chelmer and some others of my crew discovered.

As you can see from my picture, the area has been well developed and the canal system is key to the success of the area as a recreational zone. The distances to the various areas of interest are nearly all in metres, not miles, so you don't have to walk too far to see lots of interesting history.

The other 'must do' activity (after sampling a few beers in the waterside bars) was to sample a curry. Birmingham is the curry capital of Britain, after all. As you can see, Yorkie lived up to his nickname of 'Piranha' and made short work of a naan bread that was a lot bigger than he was.

Lots of love Eddie, George, Yorkie & Co xxx

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