Thursday, August 09, 2007

Meet the Yetis

There was one thing about Poland that intrigued us massively for a while: was their T.V. reception really that bad!! After all we were still in Europe.

Look at the following picture to see what we mean:

You really needed to have been there to understand our confusion, but if you click on our picture to enlarge it, things should become clearer. All those crossed stakes in the field looked exactly like T.V. aerials.

It was only as our cycle ride progressed that the penny dropped. There is probably nothinn wrong with Polish TV reception, not that we tried it ourselves as we wouldn't have understood a word. These were all supports for hay stacks and being an area of rich meadowland there was plenty of hay about to be harvested. In fact some had been harvested which is how we found out the real use.

We thought they looked rather like yetis, or how we imagine a yeti would look. If we did meet one and they looked as friendly as this we wouldn't worry!

Lots of love George & Yorkie xxx


Bear said...

hi BU!
are you planning on a big Greenbelt adventure?
if so, we should do a catch up!

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

Hi Bear, we most certainly will be there and would love to meet you. We're not quite sure yet who will be going to represent us but George & Yorkie will almost certainly be there. This time we will be brave enough to say hello assuming we you are as visible as you were last year. We are also taking the bear flag (brown bear on green flag if you recall) to fly from our camping spot so perhaps you will see it and find us. We're looking forward to meeting you and introducing you to a spot of Woodforde's ale.

Love all at BU

Bear said...

we'll have to try and meet up!
not quite sure what i'll be doing this year, but i'm hoping for a knees up with chas n dave.