Here you see us pausing at the border to get our bearports out. Actually if you cross over this very fine new bridge they're not needed as there were no officials in sight. Sadly this meant we couldn't get a stamp for our collection.
Our guide Jakub told us that since this bridge crossing has been opened lots of Slovakians come across at 7.00 a.m. in the morning and buy up all the Polish sausage in the shops as it is superior to Slovakian sausage. Having thoroughly enjoyed our Bigos we can vouch for how good it is! This bulk buying upsets the local Poles as by the time they get to the shops there is no sausage left. In the return the Poles cross over to buy beer and vodka as the Slovakian varieties are reported to be better. We thought we'd better test out this theory with a pint of Slovakian beer and can confirm it was very different - possibly superior but there again there isn't much beer we don't like!
Before we went on a rafting trip, which we'll tell you about tomorrow, we visited the Red Monastery. Here you see us admiring the buildings which are now empty as the monks have moved out. Can you see us?
The grounds were very good for relaxing and doing a bit of sunbathing while we snoozed off our lunchtime beer. Quite by accident, our photo of us relaxing has managed to capture the three peaks of Trzy Korony (Three Crowns) which are the highest peaks in the Pieniny national park. We have to confess not noticing them at the time but at least having them in the photo we can share them with you now.
Lots of love George & Yorkie xxx
Are you getting beary excited about greenbelt yet?!
i'm really, really, really champing at the bit to get the tent up, enjoy some fairtrade cocoa and nibble on a few biscuit sandwiches in cheltenham!
looking forward to seeing you all
Hi Bear, yes we are doubly excited this year as a) there is Greenbelt itself to look forward to and b) the prospect of meeting you in the fur. We've been listening to tracks for a lot of the artists on their my space pages so we can plan who we want to go and hear. We'll definitely be listening to John Bell and going to the Big Sing and spending lots of time at the Tiny Tea tent. We might even meet you blogging in the tank. If we don't bump into each other after a couple of days we will have to email a meeting place to each other!
In fact as we simply can't wait for Greenbelt to start we're setting out tomorrow night to go and stay with the Midlands branch. We'll have a day out with them on Thursday and then get to Cheltenham bright and early on Friday. It's going to be just great and the forecast doesn't look too bad - paws crossed.
See you soon George, Yorkie & Bris (the church bear who simply has to come) xxx
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