Sunday, October 15, 2006

We're no Pussy Cats!

Our regular readers will know that we bears have had a busy summer. As a result we had to record a lot of T.V. programmes and are only now getting round to watching them. One of the series that really captured our bear imaginations was the Tribe series with Bruce Parry. Did you see it? We have two favourite episodes: one was the one when he ran along the backs of the cattle, which we plan to try ourselves one day when we can find a suitable field of cattle. The other was the one we all watched last night, where Bruce went out at night in a canoe to hunt crocodiles. We thought it would have been incredibly hard to keep your balance in a dug-out canoe like that but really exciting when the orange eyes were glimpsed and then having to calculate the distance between them to gauge how big the croc and whether or not to try and take him on.

To find out for ourselves just how hard it would be, the Norfolk gang decided that we, Rocco and Yorkie, should have a go. We were chosen, as although small, we are completely fearless bears. The smell of roast pork cooking in the kitchen, and the fact that Bruce had said that croc meat was quite like pork, inspired us to have a go this evening.

We launched our canoe on the kitchen lake and while Rocco poled, I (Yorkie) stood at the front with my harpoon ready. It was certainly very wobbly! We were expecting to have to try and spear a pretend crocodile so imagine the shock and the frisson of fear we felt, when we saw a croc swimming up towards us for real.

Our normally tamed, wild bear instincts kicked in and we experienced a huge adrenalin rush. The croc opened his jaws wide ready to swallow us up (it was a fearsome sight like looking into the jaws of hell)
but having got ourselves into this situation we realised it was up to us to get ourselves out. I summoned up every ounce of energy and gave a huge roar (which brought the rest of the bears running) and hurled my harpoon into the jaws of this deadly foe. I realised that if I didn’t get him, he would get me. Fortunately on this occasion my aim was deadly and true. After a brief thrashing the croc was still, never to move again. The smell of his flesh roasting is a truly a delightful smell to behold and we will all dine well tonight (who said anything about our minders roast pork dinner – sheer coincidence!). We think we have earned ourselves an extra pint of Wherry for our bravery, don’t you?

Lots of love from the all action heroes, Rocco & Yorkie xxx


Fred's mum said...

Are there a lot of crocs in Norfolk then? We can't wait for the naked cow poo smeared piccies! Are you going to do a husky sled trip to the North Pole too when the snow falls? We're all enjoying your Bruce Parry remakes but Panda isn't too pleased with the reference to cats being scared!

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

We certainly weren’t expecting to find a crocodile so it was something of a surprise to us! If we discover any more we will certainly let you know. We bears are a bit more careful and clean than cow jumping humans and will endeavour not to get to much poo on ourselves or on our camera lens. We will certainly go sledding if White Doggy is prepared to join Black Doggy in harness and if we can find a sled. Sorry if we’ve upset Panda but it was only a figure of speech.

Love Yorks and Rocko xx