Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Nutella goes well with.....?

Some of the guys felt a bit hungry earlier, so a few of us went on a raiding party to the kitchen to see what we could find. Imagine our surprise when we found a fantastic wheat sheaf shaped loaf on the kitchen table. Naughty Bear has introduced us to the delights of Nutella, so what else did we think of to have with the loaf, but a jar of this nutty nectar. We thought it was such a splendid loaf that we should take a picture of it before we demolished it.

It was a good thing we paused to have this picture taken as during the photographing delay our minders came in and explained that the loaf was not for eating but it was the harvest loaf from one of our village churches and it was en-route to another harvest festival next weekend. Phew, a potentially embarrassing moment has been averted! Would we have lived it down if we had eaten the harvest loaf?

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