Saturday, October 22, 2016

Villa Hermani Gets the Paws Up

It was nearly midnight when we reached Villa Hermani; the last part of the journey was on dirt roads in the national park. We'd got the impression we were in an exciting location, but we had to wait until morning, and the arrival of daylight, to find out more. On arrival it was just a case of enjoying a glass of home made schnapps left out by the owners and then finding our rooms and bed.

It was a thrill to wake up in the morning and have a wander out onto our balcony to look out the view across rolling pastureland with the distinctive yeti like haystacks.

Sorry our picture doesn't do it justice and the sun hadn't come out yet .. and the power lines got in the way ... but it was nice! And Villa Hermani was a lovely chalet style lodge with lots of wood ...

... and some wonderful natural additions. Outside were a huge bear and a wolf, and yes, we quickly made friends ...

... while inside were some real (but sadly not alive) creatures of the stuffed variety. By this we don't mean they had indulged in too much of the excellent Villa Hermani cuisine, rather that they had been for a visit to the local taxidermist.

On the way up the stairs to our room was a beautiful owl, but even more special was the splendid badger which was located right outside our room ....

... that's our room with the sun streaming in. The story of the badger is an interesting one. He had apparently fallen dead at the feet of Katerina, our hostess, while she was out walking with a party. She hadn't looked a gift horse in the mouth and had she couldn't have had a fresher corpse to get stuffed. We did feel very small in relation to Brock. We hadn't realised badgers are so big and I'm sure   we'd be quite scared if we met one out in the wild.

Villa Hermani didn't just look good, it was good. It was very comfortable and Katerina and Hermann our hosts looked after us wonderfully along with their hardworking team. The stage was set for a wonderful holiday. 

Lots of love

George, Yorkie and Chelmer xxx

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