Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Freedom of the Road

Did you know that bears like to sing? If you pass below the window of our bear cave nowadays, the song you're most likely to hear us singing has a chorus that goes ...

Caravans, oh my soul is on the run
Overland, I am flying
Caravans moving out into the sun
Oh I don't know where I'm going
But I'm going.

We realise that this song probably dates just a little; it came out in 1980 and is Barabara Dicksons's Caravan song. But why are we singing it? It's because we're now caravanning bears and very happy to be so (sorry Jeremy Clarkson but we don't care what you think).

Our new found affection for caravans dates from the end of last year when a much loved family friend came to live with us. This was Ribby (Ribs for short) and Ribs is a fine specimen of a rather special and unique make of caravan, the Eriba.

Talk about Gallic charm, who could not fall for such fine looks and what an icon of the caravan world she is.

Ribs had been living with our female minder's minders for the last 18 years and given them many fantastic holidays. Our female minder recalls several happy holidays spent in Ribby during her student days before meeting our Dad.

Ribs came to live with us after Uncle G had a big birthday an decided he was a bit too old now for towing. He was sorry to see her leave, but is pleased she is staying in the family and he and Aunty G will still be able to use her, especially on holidays in Norfolk.

Their (partial) loss is very much our gain and having already had 2 great holidays, we are planning lots more. Although she is small, Ribs has a smart awning which almost doubles her size as you can see from our next picture.

This is great news for a household of bears the size of the Norfolk Branch, as it means we don't have to taken it in turns as much to go on holiday; lots of us can go at the same time, which simply isn't possible on suitcase holidays. 

We'll start telling you where we've been next time.

Lots of love, all at the Norfolk Branch xxx 


Fred's mum said...

Lucky Norfolk Branch getting some sunshine too! Suffolk Branch in their tent got rather soggy last Sunday during the visit of Bertha! But we agree, bears love life on the open road and the wind in their fur.

Anonymous said...

Midlands Brach don't know that song! Will you teach it to us next time we have a get-together.