Monday, August 09, 2010

Our Own Island

As we drove out of Eyeries we didn't turn left to go home. Instead we turned right and headed for the principal town of the Beara Peninsula, that of Castletownbere. While we wanted to replenish supplies in the local supermarket and take the measure of this town, famed for its fishing industry, our main reason for visiting was to research what was, for us, an essential day out: a visit to an island named after us - none other than Bere Island.

As you can see from our first picture we soon found the ferry that would take us across and we noted down the times of the sailings so we'd know when to come back. As we were there in season, there were plenty of crossings every day.

We then got back into the bearmobile and drove round to a viewpoint for our first proper look at the island. This was quite an important occasion so we were all present and, as you can see, while the smaller bears were off exploring, the more sedate members of our travelling party gathered on the roof of the bearmobile to take in the sight and compare first impressions.

It was only 2km away so we could see lots of detail and it looked a very fine island and worthy of a full day out to explore it. There's nothing like a bit of anticipation is there? I think I had successfully whetted the appetites of my friends.

Lots of love Patrick and fellow leprechaun bears xxx

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