Do you remember our very successful course, survival skills for small bears, from last year? It was run for us by instructors Ungi & Jimmy, and took place in Yorkshire in February, although, due to a busy year, wasn't reported on until the end of March.
When February came round again, for the second time, we had the offer of the loan of the lovely cottage that we used as a base last year. We leapt at the chance of going back. For some of us it would provide an opportunity for refresher training, and for others, such as Rosa, who wasn't with us last year, it would provide some vital skills for life training.
We'll start with a flash back to last year and how it was then ...
If you can't remember, you can see from our photo that we were blessed with sunshine and blue skies. We were very lucky, as we also had the snow and ice, which we needed for authentic survival training.
This year it was a little different. We still had the snow - not quite as much as last year - but, not only was it white on the ground, it was white in the sky, as it was quite foggy.
You'll see what we mean when you see our next photo, where we tried, as far as our memories allowed, to re-create last year's shot. This is why we've entitled our post 'spot the difference'.
Our survival training was therefore less of an exercise than last year, and more for real, especially when it came for navigating. We still had great fun though, and relished, even more than last year, returning to that lovely woodburner in the cottage.
More to come.
Lots of love Chelmer, Curly and the small bear posse xxx
SJ254784 - nr Llanfair Hill - 430 m
8 years ago
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