Friday, December 11, 2009

A Life On The Ocean Wave

Once we had mastered the basics of windsurfing - which took us a whole week - it was time to turn our attention to sailing. This was a bit more scary as you can't just drop your sail and jump off your board if you get into difficulties, as you can with windsurfing.

We therefore paid lots of attention to the instruction given on the simulators ...

... as we wanted to get our tacks and gybes to be flowing seamlessly before we took to the water. The laser Pico was a lovely small boat, perfect for bears, but being particularly small bears, it took two of us to handle the boat: one to take the tiller and the other the main sheet. They perform beautifully, and look good on the water, as our minder who was learning with us kindly demonstrates.

It was important to avoid the crashes that can easily happen when a group of learners take to the same stretch of water and the wind gets up. We therefore all made sure we had learnt the rules of the road ...

There was an awful lot to take in but we had a good time learning. We even enjoyed our capsize drills: once deliberately and once accidentally!

Lots of love George & Yorkie xxx

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