Friday, June 12, 2009

Cami Pioneers

Our walk book wanted to limit us to just a peek at the sea. We were supposed to take a few steps along the coast and then head back inland. We weren't too impressed with that, as we are beach loving bears and like to keep the sea in our sights.

However, we spotted a bit of cleared path continuing along the coast and so we decided to explore. We quickly realised that we were on one of the new parts of the Cami de Cavalls, which we introduced a few posts ago.

It looked as if it had been very recently cleared and we were thrilled to be some of the first bears to set paw along this path. We realised that the creators of this stretch were very bear friendly, as they had left miniature palms which were perfect for providing small bears with shade and a place to rest - they were no good for our minders though.

We enjoyed the Cami while it lasted, but sadly it stopped short of our return point of Cala Morell. We were able to return to the walk detailed in our guide though, by spotting the large gravel pit mentioned in the instructions, and making for it.

Moments after rejoining the official walk, we were heading for a headland with high cliffs and a development of luxury houses.

It was quite rocky underfoot, but we found these plants which appreciated the rocky growing conditions, and really brightened up the area with this fantastic splash of colour.

They made a nice soft bed too!

Lots of love George & Yorkie xxx

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