Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nature Loving Bears

With each mile, our walk continued to delight. All along the path were lots of pretty wild flowers providing lovely fragrances and a feast of colour for the eyes.

We particularly liked the fine stone walls such as the one we were sitting on. It had even been warmed by the sun which was a real treat for our bear bottoms.

You can see more of these rather lovely stone walls in our next picture.

You can rely on us to sniff out the vines, which you also see in our picture. They were still quite small and there were no grapes ready for harvesting yet. We shouldn't have seen these vines really, as we were lost when we came across them. It was only a minor deviation though, and we were soon back on course.

Our favourite encounters with nature that day were the ones we had with the local pigs. First we watched them out in the fields doing a spot of sunbathing (this time we're easier to see than the pigs) ...

...and then, were lots of oooohs and aaaahs as we came across the following scene in an open air barn ...

You may need to look closely to see the sight which had warmed our hearts. We simply loved that little piglet flopped out on the calf's back.

Lots of love George & Yorkie xxx

1 comment:

Fred's mum said...

It sounds a lovely holiday destination which Suffolk Branch feels it must also check out! Sun warmed bare bear bottoms and pig and calf in perfect harmony - what more could a nature loving bear ask for?