Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Even More Watersports

As we continued our promenade along the waterfront we left the town centre, with its shops and restaurants, behind and arrived at the town beach.

The Viking boat was quickly forgotten, once my friends spied the mega raft style canoes, which were lying idle on the beach.

These really fired the imagination and the only thing that stopped us dragging them out to the water, was the realisation that these boats were so big that not only was there room for all members of Bears Unlimited, a 3 line B.U.whip would probably be required to get them launched and propelled. We decided to get on the mobile and see if we could get the rest of the company over for a regatta in a day or two's time. In the meantime we contented ouselves with posing, Bay Watch style, aboard these wonderful craft.

Lots of love Gilbert & the Baywatch bear hunks xxx

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