It seemed that hardly had I been formally welcomed to Bears Unlimited, than I was taking part in the next ceremony to welcome two even newer members. I didn't mind though as I think that Bears Unlimited is such a great organisation, that I want as many bears as can, to share in it and experience the welcome that was so readily extended to me when I tentatively stepped through the door on our return from Ireland.
So here I am, trying to look like an old hand, welcoming, not one, but two, new members of Bears Unlimited. On my left - the right as you look at the picture - is Giovanni (Gio for short) who you will have already met briefly if you read our Easter Sunday post. Gio's t-shirt reveals that he is a member of the Society of St Francis, and he has come to us straight from Hillfield Friary in Dorset. He left there with a friend of my minders who looks after a neighbouring group of parishes to ours and spent some time at Hillfield as part of his recent sabbatical. Gio is called Giovanni, as Giovanni was the middle name of St. Francis, the founder of the monastical order which bears his name.
While Gio is a very religious bear, he came to join us as he wanted to have a rather more adventurous life than he felt he would have had, had he stayed at Hillfield. We've already told him he's come to just the right place for adventure, especially as he is very keen to see more of the world. Gio's t-shirt also has the Latin words 'Pax and bonum' - peace and goodwill - we think - and that certainly sums up his character. He is, not surprisingly, spending a lot of time with Bris, who is our main church bear.
The other bear, who you will not have met before is Pedro. He has travelled even further than Gio to join us, as he has travelled all the way from Spain. Do you remember Dilly, the very cute dog who stayed with us towards the end of last year and who introduced Gilbert to us as a thank you for looking after her while her minders were on holiday in France? Well Dilly came to stay again recently, while her minders were on holiday in Spain, and Pedro came back with them. Pedro also has a special t-shirt, but his reads 'friends always'. What a great sentiment - it really should be the motto of Bears Unlimited as it sums up all that we are about.
It might seem strange that we only have comings at B.U. and no goings, but if you spent any time with us, you'd soon understand why no-one ever wants to leave.
Lots of love Patrick & all my friends at Bears Unlimited xxx
P.S. I was very pleased to find that the B.U. company colour (the green of the bear flag) matches the emerald green of my homeland (and ribbon & shamrock) so closely.
SJ254784 - nr Llanfair Hill - 430 m
8 years ago
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