Monday, March 10, 2008

Pancake Party

All that walking, rock climbing and surfing left us feeling very satisfied, but also very tired and very hungry. Yorkie was regretting forgoing the chocolate raisins to steal a march on the rock climb.

Now it just so happened, that the day of all this action was Shrove Tuesday. We didn't overlook the importance of this day as the start of Lent, but we do admit that our first thoughts on getting back to our holiday bear cave, were of pancakes.

Fortunately Eddie and Patrick had not spent the whole day chatting and drinking Guinness, they had taken time out to organise us a delicious two course pancake meal.

First we had the savoury pancakes you see in our picture. We polished off about 4 pancakes each - stuffed with spicy mince and lots of vegetables. We immediately realised that if he could cook this well, Patrick would settle in well to Bears Unlimited and make a fine sous chef for head chef Oakley.

After the savoury pancakes came the sweet ones. We drowned them in sugar and lemon and, of course, a bear's favourite, honey (not nutella on this occasion, Bear!)

We ate so well that we knew we'd have lots of energy for the next day's adventures.

Lots of love, George, Yorkie, Eddie Patrick


FHC said...

I enjoyed looking at your bear adventures and travels. How many easter eggs will you need for all those bears?

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...


Thanks for getting in touch, its great to know that people are reading and enjoying our blog. We think we will need about 150 Easter Egges in lots of diffrent sizes, but of course we will have to make sure that they are all made with Fair Trade Choclate!!

Lots of love all at Bears Unlimited

p.s. Please keep on reading and commenting.