Jock and myself (Black Doggy), the canine members of Bears Unlimited (no it's not a contradiction in terms before Birigit says anything!) have had a very exciting and busy couple of weeks as we have been playing host to a new friend of the waggy tail variety.
Here's her picture, isn't she adorable?
Her name is Dilly and we think she is best described as a Border Collie / Jack Russell cross. She lives in the neighbouring village to us and came to stay with us a couple of weeks ago when her owner went on a well deserved holiday to France.
We were very happy to be able to offer a holiday home to Dilly and, as she is such a friendly dog, she soon fitted in and we all became best of friends. We wasted no time showing her round the house and gardens and she quickly learnt where the warmest place in the house is, in front of the fire.
We did tell her not to get any ideas about trying any fire breathing stunts as we'd promised her Mum we'd see she came to no harm.
Early on in her stay we had a mini conference explaining to Dilly the rules of the house and what she could expect from a typical day in our household. As you can see she proved a very attentive listener and took on board everything we said.
But then dogs are like that, they listen very attentively and are mostly eager to please. Dilly certainly proved she was no exception.
Keep reading to see us exploring the Norfolk countryside together.
Lots of love, Black Doggy, Jock & Dilly xxx
SJ254784 - nr Llanfair Hill - 430 m
8 years ago
1 comment:
Hello Dilly - as you're black and white like me, I'm sure we'd get on well too. Although I'm a cat, I have several dogs friends and like to disprove the expression "fight like cat and dog" because you just can't stereotype like that. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Panda the cat
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