Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Those Paws are Made for Walking

We all love the great outdoors, so our high spirits continued as we completed the first mile and the walk got properly underway.

Wooly showed a clean pair of heels over the stiles with us following, a bit slower, but with no less enthusiasm.

Wooly pointed out that his legs were actually shorter than Isaiah's and mine but there must be something genetic in his sheep make up which sped him along faster than us.

Our progress was slower than it might have been, not because of short legs, but because of the weather which couldn't make up it's mind what it was doing. One minute it was hot and sunny, the next cool and cloudy and there were a few brief showers.

This wasn't a problem for us bears and Wooly as we all have all purpose all weather fur/wool, but it was a problem for our minders who were forever changing their clothes - waterproofs on then off, zip off touser legs zipped off then on, and so on.

We made the most of the waiting time to look behind us and admire the views across Morecombe Bay. Please believe us, the weather wasn't as dismal as it looks in this picture; it was nice day - we just hadn't got the right light for our picture.

All too soon it was time for lunch. Keep reading for the afternoon's progress.

Lots of love, the Cumbria Way walkers xxx

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