Talking about Greenbelt with our friend Bear and you, our readers, has reminded us of another Greenbelt style occasion which took place a couple of months ago and which we haven't told you about yet (as you'll have noticed, there are very few respites for home blogging between George & Yorkie's adventures!)

The occasion involved three bear friendly people. Cwti (pronounced Cooti and yes, we have spelt it right) and Andrew, on the edges of the picture, were the main players and Joanna in the middle had organised the event at Binham Priory where she is the vicar.
Cwti and Joanna know each other from a time when they were both members of the Iona community in Scotland. This might give you a clue as to what the event was. Yes, it was a Big Sing. The link with Greenbelt is that the Big Sing at Greenbelt is something of an institution, and thousands (literally), including a good number of bears, gather every year in the stands at Cheltenham racecourse and make a joyful and tremendous noise, under the leadership of John Bell of the Iona Community and friends.
Cwti and Andrew are Greenbelt Big Sing regulars so know what songs go down well, and while our Big Sing at Binham involved only a couple of dozen singers, rather than thousands, it was every bit as exciting and fantastic fun.

We sang lively songs where we couldn't keep our paws still, and contemplative songs and African songs and songs from Iona and a whole lot more. We were in our element, which just goes to prove that bears really do like singing. We also enjoyed a lovely bring and share lunch over which we reminisced about last year's Greenbelt with Cwti and Andrew.
The only downside was the fact that there are no loos at Binham Priory. Popping out to find a quiet spot in the fresh air is also a little difficult when a coachload of tourists turns up - the ancient Priory ruins attracting quite a few visitors. It was a good job we were all boy bears!
We saw Andrew and Cwti at Greenbelt last week and they said they would be returning to Norfolk for another big sing sometime soon. We eagerly await it.
Lots of love, the Bears Unlimited singers xxx