The second group are the angels who safeguard the festival by regular financial giving. Their giving now provides 15% of the festival's income which means, above all, that it's a certainty that Greenbelt 2008 will be able to go ahead (yippee!) In fact we've already bought our tickets and are counting down the days already!
As this was our third year of attending we thought it was about time we signed up as Greenbelt angels. One of the immediate rewards was the 3 free bars of Divine (fair trade) chocolate we were given. It was scrummy and easily in the same league as Nutella!
Bris marked the occasion of becoming angels with an angel photo - we always reckon he's the most angelic out of all of us. Hope you like it.
Another Greenbelt marvel was the fantastic animal kites which were flown by professionals on the last day of the festival.
These were simply huge kites and the air was full of them. They were really colourful and realistic and above all extremely characterful.
We were quite simply entranced and would have stayed there all day watching them if there hadn't been so many other interesting things going on. They were so big that we didn't have the strength in our arms to have a go at flying them ourselves but we enjoyed chatting to the men who did.
Our favourites were the giant lizard and the turtle. Unfortunately the turtle had just crash landed as we took our photo, but don't worry, he was soon back up in the air.
We were sad when it was time to go home, but we're sure the year will fly by and we will be packing for Greenbelt 2008 before we know it.
Lots of love, George, Yorkie, Bris, Chelmer, Rocco, Randolph & Benji xxx