Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where in the World are We?

Dzien dobry readers (there's a clue for you), George & Yorkie here. We've been very patient waiting for our friends to write a few posts, but now we've been back from our latest adventure a whole week, we really do want to get going, before it all becomes a distant memory. We've therefore talked very nicely, and persuasively, to the rest of the gang and they have handed the blog back to us.

So where have we been and what have we been doing? As with our last trip, the national flag provides the first clue.

We have to admit that if we'd been shown this flag prior to our trip we wouldn't have known where we were going.

By now you should be getting to know us quite well, so our next clue, a picture of us wasting no time in getting stuck into the local beverages, should come as no surprise.

We spotted this beer in our local supermarket last Sunday so it might be familiar to you. As an aside, we thought the litre glasses were quite something (but you'd be wrong in thinking we were in a German beerkeller - the only other place where we've seen glasses this size).

In case you haven't worked out where we spent the week before last, we'll tell you tomorrow. Our clue about what we were doing is a whole lot easier. Just take a look at the picture below and you'll see we've made it very easy for you.

See, we told you it was easy, although those of you to think we were cycling haven't got it quite right, we were actually pannier riding, and a great sport it is too!

Lots more to come,

Love George & Yorkie xxx

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