Thursday, June 14, 2007

What does a Bear do with a Pair of Crocs?

And yes, we really did have some fun after the barbie when the rain stopped.

Eddie took to the inflatable dinghy and got some rowing practice in before challenging some fellow boaters to a rowing regatta.

George and myself hitched a lift with Eddie to some nearby caves where we disembarked to do some cave exploration. You'll have to look hard for us in our picture as we blend in rather well with the rocks.

We really fancied joining in the rowing regatta but unfortunately we were a bit small to manage the oars. We did quite enjoy playing at being coxswain sitting on the edge of the boat and shouting at Eddie to put a bit more effort in, that was until we thought up a new watersport of our own, Croc sailing.

Now I'm sure all our readers are contemporary enough to be familiar with those trendy and colourful shoes which are the latest fashion. Yes, we're talking Crocs. George and I had seen the advertising which says that Crocs are great boating shoes and that they do in fact float.

We decided to give this claim a bit of a test. We climbed aboard and pushed off from the dinghy. We quickly established that Crocs certainly do float, even with a couple of bears who have enjoyed a big meal aboard. However, we also discovered that water comes in the side holes so you quickly get a wet bottom.

We quickly thought of the perfect solution, we climbed inside a sandwich bag and that kept us nice and dry. Don't be deceived by the fact that the sea is so clear in our picture that it looks as if the sandy bottom is just below us. It wasn't: we were in the same depth of water as our boat Spetses, so about 3.5 metres. That was the reason for the safety line, so we didn't sail off into the sunset, never to be seen again.

Why don't you give croc sailing a go sometime?

Lots of love, Yorkie, George & Eddie xxx

1 comment:

Fred's mum said...

Well done boys! I think you were wise to sail in hi-vis Crocs though for safety's sake as you're quite a small craft in a very big sea!