Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Work & Play on a Narrow Boating Day

I can't say it often enough, crewing a narrow boat is great fun. There is always a job to be done, but boating jobs definitely aren't 'chores'. Being part of the overall boating experience which I enjoy so much, I love them all.

When it's a hot day one of the jobs I particularly enjoy is the daily filling of the water tank from one of the British Waterways water points. Here I am waiting by the tap ready to switch it off when the tank starts to overflow before the hose snakes out and showers everyone.

When it's hot though, sometimes I leave the tap on and we have a bit of a waterfight until we've all cooled off, as sadly the canals aren't clean enough to swim in.

As for other boating jobs, I'm a dab hand at turning the stern greaser and clearing any rubbish from round the propellor. I also oversee the mooring arrangments making sure the boat won't drift off while we're in the pub.

Talking of the pub, there does come a time when a boater's work is done and at that point it's time to retire to the pub. Visiting one of the many canalside pubs is always enjoyable and something we look forward to. Although the cooking facilities on board are good we often feel we've earned a meal out. Here are Chelmer & Spike studying the menu and making the difficult decision of what to choose.

Still the way, we look at it, the longer we spend studying the menu the longer we have to sample the local ales.

Lots of love, Eddie & the crew of Erik xxx

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