Thursday, April 05, 2007

Survival SAS Style

Our favourite TV programme at the moment is 'Born Survivor' which features our hero, Bear Grylls. Bear is also our friend Bear's hero, and why not, with a name like that!

In the programme he parachutes into really inhospitable parts of the world and has to survive and find his way to safety with just the clothes he is wearing, a flint, a waterbottle and a knife. So far he has tackled jungle, snow and ice, alligator infested swamp and remote mountains.

Our mouths drop open in amazement as we watch all the situations he manages to deal with. We enjoy guessing where he is going to sleep what he going to eat next but we are not sure we would manage the live frog and snake eating. Knowing our luck we wouldn't kill with the first bite and would end up with dinner wriggling in our tums.

The programmes have made us think that perhaps we should ensure that all Bears Unlimited members have some basic survival training.

As a joint effort we have therefore started putting together a course which we will all do in small groups.

In our first picture you see our two 'guinea pigs', Charlie and Bart, heading out into the woods to start their survival exercise (note the definite lack of equipment and supplies).

They proved a particularly good pair at finding places to shelter, first a hollowed out tree:

and second, a den closer to ground, again making use of a tree, this time a dead one. Don't worry we didn't make them stay out overnight - they only had to demonstrate that they knew what to do which they clearly did.

This pair came back with huge appetites so they might not have done quite so well on the food front but who can blame them!

Lots of love, all members of the Bear Grylls fan club xxx

1 comment:

Fred's mum said...

Ooh yes, it's our favourite too! Personally, in the Florida Everglades episode, we'd have stuck with the citrus fruit and left the frog and turtle well alone. Have the bears got their firelighter flint thing as this seems pretty vital? We think he cheated a bit in the earlier programme when he kept his parachute as he used it and its cord for loads of things, but we noted the bears had no such help. Well done!