Great oaks from tiny acorns grow! Not that Suffolk Branch is implying Norfolk Branch are nuts despite their liking for Nutella but who'd have thought you'd be blogging away so energetically 7 months and 100 blogs later! Definitely worth a few party poppers and some bubbly - although to our disappointment the party poppers were a bit of a phut rather than a big bang! Unfortunately Panda the cat (not to be confused with Panda the Panda and Pilchard, Snowy and Black Cat the cats!) couldn't be persuaded to stay still long enough to join in the official Suffolk Branch centenary photo but rest assured he had a big bowl of champagne and sends his congratulations along with the rest of the gang. Hope you left us some cake!
Thank you Suffolk branch, glad you have been able to share in the celebrations and thank you for providing much of the inspiration for the blog. Never forget that this is a Bears Unlimited blog not just a Norfolk branch blog and we are all equal members of our great company. Cake on the way to you and we can guarantee you will enjoy it. Look forward to celebrating with you in person soon. It will be a good excuse for yet more cake and bubbly.
Love all at the Norfolk branch xxx
100 posts! you're catching me up!
looking forward to the next 100
small seal
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