Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Off his head ... but not through drinking too much!

We hope you had as good a Christmas as ours. The Norfolk and Suffolk branches of Bears Unlimited joined with the Midlands branch at the Midlands branch HQ. We always have a riot of a good time when we all get together. We simply can't stop chatting and we often forget to go to sleep as we are enjoying ourselves so much. In fact one of our number talked so much he didn't exactly talk the hind legs off a donkey, but he did talk his own head off (more later).

We ate and drank to our hearts content yesterday which was great, but today we felt a brisk walk and some energetic exercise was called for. We drove over to Warwick in the bearmobiles and spent the day walking along a canal and a river path, exploring a big park and crossing a racecourse and golf course.

The park had a excellent play area which included a bear assault course. We were all up for the challenge and our pictures will show you just how energetic we were. Sadly George's brother Isaiah suffered a bit of a mishap at the picnic table. All the talking he did yesterday, followed by the pre-lunch athletic activity led to the loss of his head as his minder was reaching in her rucksack for a coffee cream. We don't know whether it was her or Isaiah who was the most shocked when she retrieved a bear head rather than a coffee cream!

We don't want you to worry too much about this mishap though as the Midlands branch has excellent medical facilities and after a quick operation and recovery period in the airing cupboard, we are pleased to report that Isaiah now appears to be as good as new and has been pronounced fit to travel back to the Suffolk branch HQ tonight. We'll sure he'll send us a picture in the next day or two to assure us all that he is none the worse for his ordeal.

You will note however, that if you play spot the difference between the before and after lunch pictures you will see that Isaiah fails to appear.

Lots of love, all branches of Bears Unlimited xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good trip home and are feeling no ill effects from your adventure today.