Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Theo at the gates of Mordor

I ended my visit to Holkham beach by paddling back along the water’s edge, something I just love to do. I looked out for seals, but on this occasion they must all have been snoozing on Blakeney Point and I didn’t see any. I did chat to quite a few seagulls that were circling overhead and they appreciated the sandwich I had saved for them.

About half way back I came across a fantastic sand sculpture and went in for a closer look. I’d love to claim this creation was all my own work but I’m far too honest a bear to make such a claim. I did pat a few bits of sand into place to add some finishing touches and make my own mark. It was so big that there was plenty of room to wander round and explore. The big towers made me feel like an extra on a Lord of the Rings set. I could have stayed there all day but I could see my lift disappearing so I hastened along. It’s a sad thought that the incoming tide would have completely destroyed this wonderful sculpture, but I was glad I was there to see it.

Love Theo xxx

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