It was good to be a bear on Malta as we had more travelling options than our minders. This was because we were able to avail ourselves of bicycles, left in convenient places all over the island.
There was plenty of room for all 4 of us to clamber aboard. As our legs are shorter than our minders', it provided a good way to keep up with them.
Most of the cycling was fairly sedate as Malta isn't too mountainous an island. However, there were a few dramatic moments. We particularly enjoyed cycling out to this headland, joined to the main cliffs by a narrow isthmus. There were big drops on each side so we had to make sure to concentrate, and not be distracted by the scenery.
We saw a lot of Malta's northern coast on our walks. Before we left home, various people had told us that the beaches weren't that good, but we were pleasantly surprised. There were some real gems on the west coast, including Golden Bay and the beaches close to it.
One beach that we weren't so sure about, was the one that sounded from its name, as if it should have been the best. This was the beach called Paradise Bay at the north west tip of the island. We sat at the top of the steps down to the beach and wondered whether it was worth going down or not, as it didn't seem to match with our idea of paradise. What do our readers think?
Perhaps it was just the rather grey day, or maybe it was the proximity to the ferry port, but we decided not to take a closer look, but to continue with our headland walk and see what else this stretch of coast had to offer. We were quite amused by the huge circular car park, not far from where we were sitting. There were hundreds of free parking spaces but only one or two were taken. It was January though, so hardly high season. Perhaps there would be a bit of a beach makeover before the summer season started.
Lots of love, the Malteser bears xxx
SJ254784 - nr Llanfair Hill - 430 m
8 years ago