Gio here, with the first of some reflections on our wonderful walk. From the moment I first heard about the Camino, I was really taken with the historic nature of the route, and thought it would be really amazing to walk the same route that has been walked by thousands of pilgrims for over a thousand years.
All along the way are many reminders that the route is walked by pilgrims with religious motives. I particularly liked all the crosses that appeared, quite frequently, along the way, and I'd like to share some of my favourites with you.
Some you simply could not miss, as they were large and prominently placed on the path.
This was one of my favourites, as its very simplicity made it all the more powerful as a symbol and I liked the fact that you couldn't ignore it as you passed by.
Other crosses were tucked away to the side of the path. Many of these were iron crosses, but I much preferred the wooden ones such as this one ...
... especially when they led the eye to a lovely pastoral scene, as this one did. The only thing I found a bit disturbing was the piles of stones that were put on, or around, the cross. I kept thinking, this is a cross not a cairn, but I read somewhere recently, that pilgrims leave stones to remember loved ones who have died. If this is the reason for the stones being left, then I think I can just about accept it.
Some of the crosses are very old. My next one, which we encountered when walking between Figeac and Cajarc, was reported in our guide book to be the oldest cross in the region, but sadly it gave no estimate of how old.
As we sat beside this cross, looking at the weathered stone, we had a real feeling that it had stood there for centuries. I really like this cross.
My last cross is a rather more modern one, and certainly not lacking in green credentials.
It is an ingenious piece of topiary and I think it makes a great statement.
I hope you have enjoyed sharing my photographic cross collection.
Lots of love Gio xxx
P.S. sorry our blog layout has gone haywire. When we've worked out why, we'll try and fix it.
SJ254784 - nr Llanfair Hill - 430 m
8 years ago